XUE XUE×PaTI 韓國設計工作坊

前進韓國坡州出版城 實際參與PaTI工作坊 向各領域大師學習 體驗新型設計教育

總價 49,000 NT$參與工作坊即贈安尚秀 lifepeace 帆布袋乙個兩人以上另有優惠



坡州字體設計學院 Paju Typography Institute,又稱 PaTI,由韓國字體設計與平面設計大師安尚秀於2013年創立,位於韓國坡州出版城,是集結250個出版單位的文化重鎮。PaTI 跳脫傳統設計學校的框架,重視實作的教育理念,透過各種實務工作坊,引領韓國新型的設計教育。

重視手作 主張學生應接觸傳統《中國時報》→
要做厲害的設計,得從知道自己是誰開始!專訪韓國字型設計之父-安尚秀《La Vie》→
安尙秀's.活 - 字. 展覽→


韓國字體設計與平面設計先驅,1985 年以獨創的「安尚秀體」,帶來韓文字型設計的突破,深刻影響韓國書籍設計、字體設計、企業識別設計和海報設計等層面。是韓國首位加入國際平面設計聯盟 AGI 的設計師。曾獲:獲英國金士頓大學設計專業名譽博士、德國萊比錫古登堡獎、DFA 設計獎終身成就獎等。


    0930-1230   1400-1700      
10.29㊐   入住
期間 2 晚為 Portfolio Review
PaTI 校園
10.30㊀ 工作坊①
Big Picture
Big Picture
10.31㊁ 工作坊②
Hangeul Letterpress
11.01㊂ 工作坊③
11.02㊃ 工作坊④
PaTI 證書頒發

※完整參與課程將頒發 PaTI 證書,學學保留行程異動權利

Portfolio Review

Portfolio Review 為自由參加項目,需事先預約。本活動將能與PaTI 講師面對面展示介紹自己的作品集,並獲得寶貴的回饋,理解自己的創作歷程,為未來的創作開拓更多可能。學員可事先準備自己的作品集如繪畫、攝影、雕塑、新媒體、音樂、文字等,形式不限,必須為個人原創作品,建議以方便攜帶為原則。


Big Picture

講師 KIND b / PaTI Illustration Studio


“Scale works” Sometimes the size of the work plays a big role. The moment objects in a form familiar to us are expressed larger than their original size, they appear as a special ‘different’ from the familiar ‘it’. It is a story that the moment the cup I can hold in my hand looks as big as a large car, the audience can add a different meaning and let their imagination run wild, escaping from the function and context of the cup they are familiar with. Even from the point of view of the creator of the image, this seemingly simple transformation of the size leads you to an experience of greater expression than you think. The curved surface of the cup, which could be expressed with two or three snaps of the wrist, can now be realized only by using the joints and muscles of the entire body. The side of the cup, which used to be the size of my palm, which I used to tone with my habitual hand movements, becomes a vast space where I can roll my whole body to create a sea of textures.

工作坊 ②

Hangeul Letterpress

講師 Baek kyung Won


This old printing technologies will provide designers who are accustomed to the digital environment to handle lead type by hand and manual way of the traditional typesetting and printing method. It will give them a hands-on experience of the groundwork for understanding the origin and formative nature of typography. Through analog typesetting practice, the principles and structure of character typesetting, which are difficult to experience in digital work.

工作坊 ③


講師 Rémi Klemensiewicz


This workshop is a general presentation around the notion of “sound” and its life in the world of creation. The different classes are dealing with theoretical themes going from historical and technical considerations to more abstract and philosophical ones. All along the classes, questions such as “Is sound an autonomous media ?”, “What is the status of sound and music ?”, will be asked and discussed. The classes are divided in different parts : the first one is theoretical and the second one is dedicated to practice and application, so the students can concretize the theoretical elements of the class and understand how sound can be a tool and a material for their own practices.

工作坊 ④


講師 JAE OK LEE / Ingee Chung


This workshop is aimed to broaden their senses and thoughts through the process of creation and experimentation between digital (D) and analog (A), drawing (D) and alphabet(A), drift (D) and anchor(A). It will utilize a pen plotter machine to draw, write, and digitize visuals. Throughout the workshop process, digital media and analog tools are convergently utilized, participants will experiment the boundary between technologie and expressions.




工作坊詳細說明 歡迎下載

總價 49,000 NT$參與工作坊即贈安尚秀 lifepeace 帆布袋乙個兩人以上另有優惠



費用包括:紙之鄉旅館 5 天 4 夜單人房住宿費用,行程期間餐食,共計 12 餐,全天 PaTI 工作坊 2 場,半天 PaTI 工作坊 2 場,專題講座 1 場、導覽 2 場。

費用不含機票、PaTI 與機場之間的交通費。

學學將於 9 月初以前通知是否確定成行。名額有限,建議及早報名。

訂單經報名且完成付款後,在未確定成行前,將酌收整體費用之 10%作為行政手續費;確定成團後,將無法受理退費申請。如未達人數或不可抗力因素未能成行,學學將退回全額的實際繳交之費用。

